Here Comes Autumn!
It's come around to one of my favourite times of the year, when you can get your English autumnal chrysanthemums, succulent berries and delicate chinese lanterns to put in a vase A few years ago, when the English growers were still at their height, our shop stocked endless boxes of the chrysanthemums, and every time I smell them it takes me back a few years. One of the things I love most about the chrysanthemums is they are really good value for money, as they last for absolutely ages! Sadly, a lot of the original English growers are no longer trading, but there are still a few out there. I even resorted to growing some of my own one year!
It's a very textural time in flower arranging, as there are seeds and berries galore to go with your autumn flowers, as well as my absolute all time favourite, shiny conkers!! It's great doing the flower arranging classes at this time of year because there is so much you can collect from your own garden. and surroundings. Who doesn't love going collecting conkers in autumn?! Some of the seasonal flowers available are chrysanthemum, hypericum berries, physalis (Chinese lantern) and Asters. Check out the autumn collection here on the website or give us a call to discuss your requirements.